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ENroll Options Select by clicking the button Sign Up Options Enrollment includes: On-demand access to streaming recording for 2weeks. Workshop Session Streaming recording will be available for 2 weeks Have…
Biweekly virtual, 2 hr study studio to flesh out your body’s grooving of tricks around a static pole, from floor to ceiling. Lesson Library ENroll Options Select by clicking either…
On-Demand courses and classes are high resolution streamed, chapter marked recordings of live classes that you can purchase to learn whenever you’d like. Streams are available for predetermined time periods and can be accessed at any time throughout the duration. Can’t make or missed a live class? Browse the library above to purchase access to the stream, no subscription required.
Experience single lessons, one at a time; or purchase lessons packaged together in course series that build upon one another.
A mobility roadmap for a variety of skills and tricks that come from having a solid knee-pit grip. Experiment with mount and climbing techniques; release and extension tricks & shapes; and transition & thread-through tricks in three sessions.
A practice series for creating consistently visually stunning executions. Building the body language of fan and flare kicks, through different grip methods, trick elements and execution stylizations.