“BodySketch” Jamilla Trick Roadmap Complex (3 Day Series)


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An educational roadmap in three sessions for executing the pole dance trick Jamilla in movement that expands technique vocabulary, mechanics and transitional movement on the pole.

  • ‘BodyScan’ Gripping, Oppositional Force & Mounting Jamilla Day 1
  • ‘Spicy Conditioning’ Exiting Dismounts & Transitions With Jamilla Techniques Day 2
  • ‘BodySculpt’ Execution Explorations With Jamilla Day 3
Session 1 of 3 with less focus on the width of the straddle. Hone in on grip, force and mounting techniques to stabilize first. More body understanding makes Jamilla less…
Moving through and with Jamilla means skilling in compression, knowing how the body shifts and becoming better on both sides. Learn ways to exit and transition through movement with Jamilla,…
Make Jamilla sexy, but first get weird and explore different ways it can be executed on spin or static pole mode. This class is the last of the three which…

“BodyScan” is a movement evaluation class that provides outer revelation and realtime detection of your body in relation to executing the designated class concept(s). Leave with isolated components to work on.

When form meets physical dimensions it’s called sculpture. “BodySculpt” is a movement progressions class that focuses on execution. Learn the “whats” and “hows” to flesh out an acrobatic feat with your body, from floor to ceiling.

Use it or lose it. “Spicy Conditioning” is an obscene lens on pole conditioning that reconsiders what’s sabotaging your power. Its efforts are to drill connections of spirit and strength to prepare you for the rites of passage for the trick skills in focus.