Brass Knee Grip Mobility & Basic Entries ‘BodyVexxed’

Length: 70 minutesComplexity: Easy

Learn basic entries intro brass knee from floor, standing and aerial without the need of complex muscular strength. Condition the bodily mobility and contact points needed to have a secure Brass knee.

Effective & Affective Pole Climbing ‘BodyVexxed’

Length: 75 minutesComplexity: Easy

Rethink pole climb basics with full body cue'ing to understand what effects and affects a basic pole climb. Learn that it isn't just upper body strength that enables a climb; but a full body effort that allows for mobility and dynamics.

Straddle Basics For Pole Trick Functions ‘BodyVexxed’

Length: 60 minutesComplexity: Easy

This polework sessions reintroduces the mobility and muscular+joint wisdom to understand and use a straddle for acrobatic movement. From on the floor to up the pole learn practice rituals to condition functional straddles.