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Practice your pushing force through balancing, domination, surrendering and milking postures in this steamy edition of BodyBasing. Small space heater highly recommended.
ENroll Options Select by clicking the button Enrollment includes: On-demand access to streaming recording for 2weeks. Workshop Session Streaming recording will be available for 2 weeks
Practice your full body balance and push force in this suggestive squat/’hut-hut’ posture learned through a coordination of milky movements.
Examine the use of erotic capital in visual marketing to become aware of its current usage in advertising. Leave with approaches to subversive iconography of sex, prophetically for your soul, and profitably for your life.
Learn a splay shoulderstand trick posture through a coordination of milky movements to help you balance your lower half through your upper body. All you need is your body + long bottoms + heels or socks.
Learn the floating “machine gun” trick posture through a coordination of milky movements to help you stabilize/base through the front of your body. Practice trusting yourself. All you need is your body + heels or socks.
Lesson Library ENroll Options Select by clicking either box option. SKILL Library
2 hour hybrid economics/arts/marketing workshop will help you deal with and identify the ick in regards to marketing your body and yourself.
A 75 minute cue curated visual creation class to quench creative drought. No pole required. The intent is to film material that makes subtext visible—things that we don’t want to explain/can’t always blatantly speak.
Enhancing proficiency in intermediate/advanced exotic polework techniques, with an emphasis on response sharpening and situation recognition using the “Jamilla” trick.
Developing the artistic vision through recording for people who dance/move their bodies. Be exposed to various cinematic filming and editing techniques and software that will advance aesthetic qualities that ensure the realistic and representational art of the motion picture.
Head to to toe and floor to ceiling revelations in this Jamilla trick execution refresher. Become reacquainted with technique and receive new soul filled cues to personalize entry, execution and exit of Jamilla Deville’s namesake trick.