BodyFlesh Subscription

$115.00 / month for 4 months and a $25.00 sign-up fee

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Current focus: Lift J’Azz . Biweekly, virtual, 2 hr study workshopping to flesh out your body’s grooving of poletricks, from floor to ceiling. Learn the process of practicing as a tongue of the spirit— “off-the-cuff” attunement.    Must be competent in basic trick skills to enroll (listed below).   

In stock

Lift J’Azz Jan 6 – March 31

The practice for BodyFlesh will be shoulder mounting.
Over 3 months I will break shoulder mounting down to go through the functions, approaches/methods and executions (from what to do with it, to how to transition it).

Terms & Conditions (required)

I am capable of executing the required basics to participate which includes: pole walk (in platform heels), pole sit, pole climb, invert/inversion, single + double knee-pit grip, Jamilla, fan kick, hood ornament, handstand butterfly, float OR airwalk

I agree to pay $115 USD per month, for four (4) months to subscribe to Performance Tempel’s BodyFlesh subscription. This includes the $25 sign up fee. I authorize the payment method used at checkout to be automatically charged each month on the date of purchase. I acknowledge that Performance Tempel respects my privacy and cannot see or does not have access to my banking or payment method specifics. I acknowledge that I can change payment methods at my discretion. I accept that if I cancel my subscription before it expires, I need to provide written notice via email and I will have to pay the sign up fee once again if I wish to participate again. I accept that if I miss a monthly payment that my access will be paused and will be cancelled, and if I wish to participate again at a later time I will have to pay the sign up fee again. I acknowledge that if I honor my four month agreement and wish to participate consecutively I will notify via email and I will have the sign up fee waived each time I renew my subscription consecutively.

Important Details

  • These classes will be cued for and mostly in platform heels. Wearing heels is not a requirement to participate in class. Though, It’s important to recognize that executing tricks in platform heels is an erotic labor tradition so it is given respect as a form itself. The attention to heels as apart of the practice and education is not a fashionable afterthought.
  • There will be practice assignments between each session
  • 120 min class biweekly on Mondays @ 7:30pm ET/6:30pm Central/5:30pm MT/4:30PM PT (summer’s Day & Time are subject to change as seasons change)
  • $35 one-time registration fee . $115 per month
  • There is 4 month commitment at a time. Subscription will automatically expire after 4 months.
  • Renewals can be requested without paying sign up fee again for subscribers that do not cancel before their commitment expires.
  • All classes are recorded and are accessible as long as subscription continues
  • Programming is focused on learning how to practice trick skills with soul, stability and coherence.
  • Automatic invitations to every class will be emailed (regardless if you can attend live or not). Subscribers must accept invitations to indicate live participation 
  • Receive a discount on other Performance Tempel trick skill series or live classes as a subscriber 
The inaugural session of ‘Bodyflesh’ begins the practice of manipulating inverted crucifix and understanding the spirit of the trick and where to go from it.
Transitioning Inverted Crucifix to transferring weight onto the shoulder. In this session shoulder dismounts find their beginnings and awareness.
Still freaking inverted crucifix, this time from the floor and introducing shoulder levering as a mount to lift into the inverted crucifix position.
In this study, practice execution and address how to learn and apply executions to “freestyle” the inverted crucifix trick through problem solving.
Leg hangs, you either love to love them or they’re a menace. This study explores pole transitions into gemini and scorpio from the inverted crucifix position.
The Butterfly Pole trick is often one of the coveted old school tricks. Looks can be quite deceiving with this trick, but with the right cues for tension and position…
Evaluating the necessary mobility and wisdom needed to begin training shoulder mounts. This workshop session isolates then coordinates the basic efforting that is needed feel stable and confident in working…
Time under tension mixed with lift and levitation, is how Lift J’Azz continues. In this workshop get micro about sustaining and stabilizing body weight using cup grip and shoulder contact….
This lesson brings us into actually using motion to mount the pole, using the cup grip and shoulder contact points. We’ll condition coordination of momentum and leverage to lift the…

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Every week or so, I send out an email to communicate what I’m offering, where it’s happening and it also includes my “yaps” because I love to think and talk.

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