Curiosities With Black Sex Scholar Mariah on How Do You Balance Your Life & Identities And Still Practice Pole Dance?

Curiosities with my Black sex scholar friend on how does the evolution of location and time affect practice? What are the complexities of origin? What does practice look like when pole is your career? This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit


Mo has been riding with me since the beginning of me transitioning into teaching. Some of the things that we discuss are controversial— debatable; but the receipts don’t lie, those documented and the oral histories. Over the next 30 days I’ll be publishing more in support of Wasp’s Nest because there is no marketing budget for it— so I got to get it how I live. Willing this event into existence, hopefully with your support. Take a listen, use the comments to tell me what you think. You are welcome to cite and share.

Chat Notes

(0:00 – 28:30) In the first segment Mo talks about how she came into her current pole dance practice and how a veteran stripper put her on game, positioning work as something worth considering worthy to craft. She talks about the experiential difference between being around a pole in the pole studio space and the unexplainable connection of the strip club space and her body specifically there. Her and Ashley break open a truth about geographic realities using Mo’s move from the dirty south to Los Angeles and the way the club industry presented barriers to entry that Mo did not necessarily experience in the south. Ashley and Mo then shift to ‘home’ as a space to learn, the need for privacy in the creative process and the way that Mo’s conception of practice has evolved over the years into something that is constructive

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